
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Amazing Art in New Zealand


Alex and John under installation

Ellie exploding art

We waited for 40 minuets to get into the Christchurch art museum to see the Ron Mueck exhibit.

Ron Mueck is an international sculpture darling from Australia, I've been wanting to see his exhibit in Christchurch for months. So on the last day of his show, so we drove 5 hours north to check it out.

Now, your gonna ask if these works are real people....! But they are not! He replicates the human figure with unrivalled technical skill. His work has a powerful psychological range, focusing not only on universal experiences like birth, life and death but on emotional states such as isolation, fear and tenderness. The works have such a venerability. 

Ellie's fave was this infant girl. The scale of the art work was powerful in contrast to the idea of the a little baby.

Amazing detail.
This piece was intense. The man was so real and looked so vulnerable while all the viewers stared at him sitting uncomfortably.

This was my favorite sculpture. The photo doesn't capture her beautiful expression of letting go.
jen with larger than life mother expecting
John's fave was the man in the boat.
Alex thought that this 'sleeping man" was really cool

The sculpture below is super little. I felt the size put into perspective the idea of wanting to scoop up this tiny grandma and comfort her final moments.
I thought that most women could relate to this piece...
This was a massive work!
One of the few figures with clothing. The kids recognized the body position related to Jesus on the Cross. Reference to sacrifice? Or just a guy in the pool? Either way, i love that it got the kids discussing ideas.
Ellie likes to get up close to all the works, Every piece she would stare for a long time quietly then whisper in my ear her thoughts about the art.

This sculpture was amazing. The two little old ladies have such a look of judgment on their face expressions. This was another piece that John and I wondered if the models were from Finland. So many of the figures had face structure that reminded us of our time in Scandinavia.
little old women being judged by big women

After we left the art museum, a guy driving a toilet with a lady in a sink drove by....
Viva la Artists!

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